Reflection Pool: A Shift Lab 2.0 prototype

In Shift Lab 2.0 there were 4 diverse teams of Edmonton changemakers working on 4 different challenges. These challenge areas were identified through community engagement and from literature around promising areas to address racism.

The overarching question linking all 4 teams for Shift Lab 2.0 was

How might we create better anti-racism interventions that acknowledge everyone’s humanity and create behaviour change?

Reflection Pool came from Team 2's specific challenge question

How might we create an interactive empathy experience that strives to reduce racist behaviour over time?

What is it?

Reflection Pool is essentially a learn by doing digital and in person experience to learn about our biases, prejudices and how we can identify ways to positively shift our own actions, our interactions in relationships and systems we are part of.It aims to take diversity training to the next level with multiple learning interactions over time and behaviour change nudging.

What's unique about this prototype

From research it was recognized that one off training workshops often don't yield sustained behaviour change. Multiple nudges and learning modalities are needed over time. It combines digital and face to face interactions with colleagues to uncover behaviour changes that shift towards authentic inclusion.

Who the prototype is for

This prototype is for HR departments in large and small organizations looking to move the needle on diversity, inclusion and anti-racism practice. However in testing,  participants felt it would be helpful in other systems as well. These are identified in the poster below.


Video explaining the concept of reflection pool


Feedback from testing the concept with community


Underlying principles the team built into the prototype

From the research there are 4 important areas to shift to address inclusion and reduce racism. The app helps users to explore how they can shift behaviour in all 4 domains.


What's next?

The team received feedback from testing the concept to show there is a decent proof of concept. Currently the team is looking for partners to

  1. Build the digital minimum viable pilot prototype (The app)

  2. Funds to support creation of learning missions. The team would like to equitably support creation of these learning modules by supporting community leaders in this area

  3. Organizations willing to pilot the app and in person interactions over 6 months with employees roughly taking around 1.5 hours per month to complete learning modules and respond to behaviour shift nudges

 Check out the original test concept of  Reflection Pool here

Get in touch if interested in supporting, through our contact page of Shift Lab

Many thanks to the Shift lab prototype team 2!

Naureen Mumtaz, Ilene Fleming, Jaime Calayo, Lisa Zhu, Essi Solakangas, Rosanne Tollenaar


De-Escalator Prototype Testing Video


Prototype Post: The De-escalator Guide