Kevin Drinkwater

Kevin loves to work in problem spaces where complexity and need drives the opportunity to design new solutions. He believes in bringing curiosity, creativity and courage to the teams and projects he is privileged to be a part of. He’s an entrepreneur who manages J5, a design and innovation consultancy helping corporate clients grow, and co-founder of The Social Impact Lab, a partnership between J5 and United Way where the team is applying innovation and design thinking to complex social issues in Calgary. Kevin’s portfolio of community impact work includes assisting Capital Region Housing with tenant experience, Calgary Homeless Foundation with business model exploration and future casting, First 2000 Days Network with business model innovation, United Way Calgary with strategic planning, Alberta Health Services with experience and service design for e-mental health, and new venture design in the children and youth mental health space.

Kevin Drinkwater
Core Lab Team Member


Darryl De Dios


Eileen Edwards